Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Guide Book

The first printed Bible
      The word Bible comes from Greek as biblia and means "books" in English because it has many books in one book. The Christian Bible is a collection of 66 books with the first 39 being The Old Testament and the other 27, New Testament. The Old Testament was written by Jews between 16th and 12th century BCE and both religions share it. But Jews interfere with the New Testament since it comes after Moses and that's what makes the Christian Bible unique. The New Testament consists of 4 different genres of Christian literature: Gospels-Jesus’ life and the main part-, Acts of the Apostles-acts of his followers-, Epistles-apostolic letters especially Saint Paul's- and an Apocalypse -revelation of St.John the Divine-. The words were spread by the Apostles and their Disciples to the outside world that Christianity turned out to be the licit religion of the Roman Empire (313 A.D.). According to researches The Holy Bible has been world's best-selling book and still is. Christians do take the bible seriously and they read it over and over to in order to strengthen their beliefs, correct their lives, actions and behaviors.

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