Sunday, November 16, 2014

Abraham's Descendants

  Abraham is the first person to be monotheist for all three monotheistic religions and one of the things in common. However each religion has a different opinion on his importance. Jews believe that Abraham is important because he is their actual father and they're his descendants through birth. According to this idea Judaism evolved with Abraham and he was the first one to be a Jew. God tested his faith many ways but he never gave up on him and was a good example for his people. Moreover the first covenant, agreement was between God and Abraham. God gave Hebrews-modern Jews- the promised land,security,and offspring whereas they pledged unwavering faith and devotion. Around 1800 b.c., Abraham, his family, and their herds made their way to Canaan which was the promised land. Later on the descendants of Abraham moved to Egypt and begin their journey as Jews.

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